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Null values not persisted to Couchbase using spring-data-couchbase

When I try to persist @Document using CrudRepository, all null fields in the object does not get written to the database.

Example (Object obj):

    "field1": {
        "field11": 123
    "field2": null,
    "field3": "abc"
}, field2 will not get written to Couchbase.

Is there a possibility to override the behavior of spring repository to save nulls? Do I have to create my own MappingCouchbaseConverter or maybe it have to do with the TranslationService?


  • There's no support for storing the nulls explicitly right now, so you might have to tinker with MappingCouchbaseConverter. I think modifying one of the writeInternal methods would be a good start: something like doing writeSimpleInternal(null, target, prop.getFieldName()); for the null case...