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Modelmapper to convert from String to LocalDate

My DTO is having date field in String format. My entity is having date as LocalDate. Currently I am skipping it from map and then later manually explicitly setting it (String to Date and vis-versa).

is it possible to convert it automatically? I tried Converter inside spring bean but it gives me lot of compile errors (type Converter does not take parameters, does not override convert method - also lot of error for convert() as well).

public ModelMapper studentModelMapper() {
    Converter<String, LocalDate> toStringDate = new AbstractConverter<String, LocalDate>() {
        protected String convert(String source) {
            return source == null ? null : new LocalDate(source);

I am not very familiar with modelmapper. Any help is greatly appreciated.

As suggested I tried with LocalDate for DTO but the problem is when I send this entity at front (REST call) I get following JSON.

"dateOfBirth": {
   "year": 1972,
   "month": "JANUARY",
   "monthValue": 1,
   "dayOfMonth": 4,
   "dayOfWeek": "TUESDAY",
   "era": "CE",
   "dayOfYear": 4,
   "leapYear": true,
   "chronology": {
      "id": "ISO",
      "calendarType": "iso8601"

My front end developer need "YYYY-MM-DD".


  • If you want to convert to LocalDate you need to create a Provider otherwise ModelMappercannot instantiate LocalDate because it doesn't have a public default constructor.

    Use this configuration and it will work:

     ModelMapper modelmapper = new ModelMapper();
        Provider<LocalDate> localDateProvider = new AbstractProvider<LocalDate>() {
            public LocalDate get() {
        Converter<String, LocalDate> toStringDate = new AbstractConverter<String, LocalDate>() {
            protected LocalDate convert(String source) {
                DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
                LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.parse(source, format);
                return localDate;
        modelmapper.createTypeMap(String.class, LocalDate.class);
        modelmapper.getTypeMap(String.class, LocalDate.class).setProvider(localDateProvider);

    Test output:

     String dateTest = "2000-09-27";
     LocalDate dateConverted =, LocalDate.class);
     System.out.println(dateConverted.toString()); //Output = 2000-09-27