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Returning a list of a custom object with JPQL

I am using Hibernate, and I'm trying to return some info about users which are saved in 2 separate tables.

The query I've made:

@Entity(name = "Users")
@Table(name = "Users")
        @NamedQuery(name = QueryNames.QUERY_USER_GET_ALL_USERS_BASIC_INFO,
                    query = "select u.userId, p.personName, p.personMobile, p.personEmail, u.userStaus, u.usertype, p.personNotes "
                          + "FROM Person p JOIN User u ON p.personId = u.userPersonId "
                          + "Where u.Active = 1")

public class User
{ ... }

I have made a class called BasicUserInfo to contain all the members I return in the select clause (just a class with members only and no method for Json purposes).

The way I'm trying to make it work is like this:

List<BasicUserInfo> list = list(namedQuery(QueryNames.QUERY_USER_GET_ALL_USERS_BASIC_INFO));

However, this does not compile since the last line with the activation above got an error:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from List<User> to List<UserBasicInfo>

What can I do to make the query return the type of list I want? Or even just a list of Object[] is also good for Json purposes.


  • What I eventually did was changing the query to begin like this:

    "select new com.myPackage.Users.UserBasicInfo(u.userId, p.personName, p.personMobile, p.personEmail, u.userStaus, u.usertype, p.personNotes) ...

    The type needs to have a constructor which accepts the arguments returned by the query.