I have this autouse fixture that will create a webdriver instance for each test:
def use_phantomjs(self):
self.wd = webdriver.PhantomJS()
However, some of our tests cannot run on PhantomJS due to a bug with one of our APIs. These tests can only run on Chrome (or Firefox), so I created another method for a webdriver instance using Chrome:
def use_chrome(self):
self.wd = webdriver.Chrome()
which I plan to use on those tests, but I cannot get around the autouse fixture above.
Is there a way to somehow override the autouse fixture for some of our tests? I have tried using pytest.mark.usefixtures
for each test but it doesn't seem ideal having to put that decorator on each and every test. Someone mentioned using metaclasses but I haven't fully understood how they work yet, so I was wondering if there was some other way that I might have missed.
----- UPDATE for latest versions of pytest-----
use request.node.get_closest_marker()
to get the marker. Refer get_closest_marker
You can achieve this in many ways , one way is to use the request fixture along with pytest mark fix. All you need to do is, create a new generic fixture
def browser(request):
# _browser = request.node.get_marker('browser')
_browser = request.node.get_closest_marker('browser')
if _browser:
if _browser.kwargs.get("use") == "chrome" :
# Do chrome related setup
elif _browser.kwargs.get("use") == "phantom" :
# Do Phantom.js related setup
# No mark up ,use default setup
and mark your tests like this
def test_some_chrome_test():
# browser here would return chrome driver
def test_some_phantomjs_test():
# browser here would return phantom driver