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How do I clean up badly-formatted x86_64 assembly?

I have some assembly I want to clean up. It has all caps, inconsistent spacing and lots of unneeded newlines.

How do I beautify this x86_64 assembly code?


  • I don't know of anything specific to assembly, but the things you've mentioned can be accomplished with sed.

    A couple of things to note:

    • Mnemonics are matched by the regex [A-Za-z0-9]+. Off the top of my head I can't think of any mnemonics that include other characters.
    • The upper half of the GPRs are matched by r(8|9|1[0-5])(b|w|d)?
    • The byte GPRs (excluding r8b-r15b) are matched by [abcd](l|h)|(sp|bp|si|di)l
    • The 16-, 32-, and 64-bit lower 8 GPRs are matched by [er]?([abcd]x|sp|bp|si|di)
    • SSE registers can be matched with the regex xmm(1[0-5]?|[0,2-9])

    For example:

    # Replace tabs with spaces, then clean up lines of the form "op reg/imm, ..."
    # N.B. without the /I option the match will be case-sensitive
    sed 's/\t/ /g' <test.s | sed 's/^\s*\([a-z0-9][a-z0-9]*\)\s\s*\([a-z0-9][a-z0-9]*\)\s*,\s*/\t\1\t\2, /I'
    # Lowercase all GPRs and SSE vector registers"
    # I have chosen not to use the more compact patterns above in the interest of readability.
    ... | sed '/\([^a-z]\)\(AL|AH|AX|EAX|RAX|...XMM0|XMM1|...|XMM15\)/\1\L\2/gI'
    # Lowercase all instruction mnemonics. More specifically, matches the first thing on every line except when it is followed by a colon.
    ... | sed '/^\s*\([a-z0-9][a-z0-9]*\)\([^:]\)/\L\1\2/I