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Seeking HTML editor with visual tag matching

Is there an editor or IDE which will show HTML code with some visual indication of matching open/close tags?

Kompozer sort of helps, but I would prefer something like

|      <h1>xxx</h1>
|  .---><frameset>
|  |
|  |  .---><div>
|  |  |
|  |  |      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
|  |  | 
|  |  .---></div>
|  |
|  .---></frameset>

which constantly updates as I write my code. The ability to fold inner tags would also be nice.

edit: any o/s, or cross-platform.


  • What operating system are you targetting?

    I program mainly on Windows and I use Notepad++ for most text editing. It supports multiple languages, is fairly light weight and easy to install (has a zipped version which can be extracted to directory and run).

    It supports syntax highlighting and code folding for HTML (via a tree/node structure on the left margin).