I'm really newbie with aws, then sorry if it's a silly question.
I did a website which connects with an online DynamoDB table and it is fully working on my local, but when I deploy the website code in my Elastic Beanstalk environment, it doesn't connect to the DynamoDB table.
Is there some configuration I should have done?
I am afraid nobody else had this problem.
My website have been written in using the aws php sdk by the aws.phar.
I did create a policy for the iam user as follow:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [DynamoDB table],
"Condition": {
"ForAllValues:StringEquals": {
"dynamodb:Attributes": [
[Lists of attributes]
This was solved by adding the correct permission of the role automatically created by Elastic Beanstalk to the EC2 instance.