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What is the best way to include a style sheet for a specific page?

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My website includes the same header and footer for each page using PHP.

I wanted a style sheet that only applied specifically for a certain page, so put the style in using the appropriate tag.

...<body><style type="text/css"> /* what ever */ </style></body>...

The style sheet is processed correctly in all browsers I tested, however it is not validated correctly by W3C because it's located inside the body tag instead of the head.

My question is:
If I can't put the style sheet in the body tag, what is the best way to include it? I can reference the style sheet in the PHP header, but I'd rather not have another HTTP Request for such a small file. How would you do it? What is the least sloppy way to do it? Although the style tag shouldn't be in <body>, it is still processed correctly by browsers.


  • The best way would be to use a MVC framework that buffers your view file, and allow tag to be dynamically added to the head before output.

    Here is a ultra simple way of doing it:


    class Page {
        private static $head = array();
        private static $content = '';
        static function add_head($tag) {
            self::$head[] = $tag;
        static function render_head() {
            foreach (self::$head as $tag) echo $tag;
        static function render_content() {
            echo self::$content;
        static function read_content($file) {
            require $file;
            self::$content = ob_get_clean();
        static function render_layout($file) {
            require $file;


        <head><?php Page::render_head(); ?></head>
            <div id="header"></div>
            <div id="content"><?php Page::render_content(); ?></div>
            <div id="footer"></div>


    <?php Page::add_head('<title>Hello World!</title>'); ?>