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Possible to use DotNetBrowser with UWP Applications?

I see that DotNetBrowser works with WPF what about UWP Applications?


  • I want to Cordova to use Chrome when running its windows uwp apps

    It's not possible currently in Cordova project which target to Windows Platform, you will get this exception

    Failed to add reference to 'DotNetBrowser.Chromium'

    If you have a traditional desktop application(like Win32, WPF, and Windows Forms), you might check this tool: Convert your desktop application to a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app

    UWP using Desktop Conversion extensions is a bridge that enables you to convert your Windows desktop application (like Win32, Windows Forms, and WPF) or game to a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app or game. For more info, see Guide to UWP apps. After conversion, your Windows desktop application is packaged, serviced, and deployed in the form of a UWP app package (an .appx or an .appxbundle) targeting Windows 10 Desktop.