Search code examples

C# Library Management console program

In this code when I add 2 books and try to delete 1st and 2nd book, 1st gets deleted and 2nd one didn't. In next case when I add 3 books and delete one by one 1 gets deleted and 2 not and 3rd one becomes missing when I delete 2. When I add 4 books 2 and 4 not deleted.

My code (I'm a trainee so I'm a beginner in C#)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace LibraryManagement
    //Defining a class Book
    class Book
        public int bookId;
        public string bookName;
        public int bookPrice;
        public int bookCount;
        public int x;
    //Defining a class Borrow
    class BorrowDetails
        public int userId;
        public string userName;
        public string userAddress;
        public int borrowBookId;
        public DateTime borrowDate;
        public int borrowCount;

    class Program
        static List<Book> bookList = new List<Book>();
        static List<BorrowDetails> borrowList = new List<BorrowDetails>();
        static Book book = new Book();
        static BorrowDetails borrow = new BorrowDetails();

        //Password verfication and Menu 
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Welcome !!!\nEnter your password :");
            string password = Console.ReadLine();

            if (password == "sync")
                bool close = true;
                while (close)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nMenu\n" +
                    "1)Add book\n" +
                    "2)Delete book\n" +
                    "3)Search book\n" +
                    "4)Borrow book\n" +
                    "5)Return book\n" +
                    Console.Write("Choose your option from menu :");

                    int option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (option == 1)
                    else if (option == 2)
                    else if (option == 3)
                    else if (option == 4)
                    else if (option == 5)
                    else if (option == 6)
                        Console.WriteLine("Thank you");
                        close = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid option\nRetry !!!");
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid password");

        //To add book details to the Library database
        public static void GetBook()
            Book book = new Book();
            Console.WriteLine("Book Id:{0}", book.bookId = bookList.Count + 1);
            Console.Write("Book Name:");
            book.bookName = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Book Price:");
            book.bookPrice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Number of Books:");
            book.x = book.bookCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        //To delete book details from the Library database 
        public static void RemoveBook()
            Book book = new Book();
            Console.Write("Enter Book id to be deleted : ");

            int Del = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (bookList.Exists(x => x.bookId == Del))
                bookList.RemoveAt(Del - 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Book id - {0} has been deleted", Del);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Book id");


        //To search book details from the Library database using Book id 
        public static void SearchBook()
            Book book = new Book();
            Console.Write("Search by BOOK id :");
            int find = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (bookList.Exists(x => x.bookId == find))
                foreach (Book searchId in bookList)
                    if (searchId.bookId == find)
                        Console.WriteLine("Book id :{0}\n" +
                        "Book name :{1}\n" +
                        "Book price :{2}\n" +
                        "Book Count :{3}", searchId.bookId, searchId.bookName, searchId.bookPrice, searchId.bookCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Book id {0} not found", find);

        //To borrow book details from the Library
        public static void Borrow()
            Book book = new Book();
            BorrowDetails borrow = new BorrowDetails();
            Console.WriteLine("User id : {0}", (borrow.userId = borrowList.Count + 1));
            Console.Write("Name :");

            borrow.userName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Book id :");
            borrow.borrowBookId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Number of Books : ");
            borrow.borrowCount= int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Address :");
            borrow.userAddress = Console.ReadLine();
            borrow.borrowDate = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Date - {0} and Time - {1}", borrow.borrowDate.ToShortDateString(), borrow.borrowDate.ToShortTimeString());

            if (bookList.Exists(x => x.bookId == borrow.borrowBookId))
                foreach (Book searchId in bookList)
                    if (searchId.bookCount >= searchId.bookCount - borrow.borrowCount && searchId.bookCount - borrow.borrowCount >= 0)
                        if (searchId.bookId == borrow.borrowBookId)
                            searchId.bookCount = searchId.bookCount - borrow.borrowCount;
                        Console.WriteLine("Only {0} books are found", searchId.bookCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Book id {0} not found", borrow.borrowBookId);

        //To return borrowed book to the library 
        public static void ReturnBook()
            Book book = new Book();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter following details :");

            Console.Write("Book id : ");
            int returnId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Number of Books:");
            int returnCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (bookList.Exists(y => y.bookId == returnId))
                foreach (Book addReturnBookCount in bookList)
                    if (addReturnBookCount.x >= returnCount + addReturnBookCount.bookCount)
                        if (addReturnBookCount.bookId == returnId)
                            addReturnBookCount.bookCount = addReturnBookCount.bookCount + returnCount;
                        Console.WriteLine("Count exists the actual count");
                Console.WriteLine("Book id {0} not found", returnId);


  • The problem is that when you remove a book, your booklist is being reordered so the book ids no longer reflect the position that they were in when you added them. E.g. your bookList has 2 books (bookList[0] and bookList[1]). When you delete 1 book, you are left with booklist[0], so when you try and delete the next book (with your code it says you using del -1 to get the position) you are then trying to delete from your array at bookList[1] which of course, does not exist.