I have a file which has the following input :
and so on. I want to use match
and regex
to identify the lines which have a%1b
in them.
I am using
import re
p1 = re.compile(r'\ba%1b\b', flags=re.I)
if re.match(p1,linefromfile):
It doesnt seem to detect the line with %1. What is the issue? Thanks
only search the pattern at the beginning of the string, if you want to find out if a string contains a pattern, use search
instead. Besides you don't need the word boundary, \b
re.search(pattern, string, flags=0)
Scan through string looking for the first location where the regular expression pattern produces a match, and return a corresponding match object. Return None if no position in the string matches the pattern; note that this is different from finding a zero-length match at some point in the string.
re.match(pattern, string, flags=0)
If zero or more characters at the beginning of string match the regular expression pattern, return a corresponding match object. Return None if the string does not match the pattern; note that this is different from a zero-length match.
import re
if re.search(r"a%1b", "xa%1bc"):
# hello