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JSF- passing a parameter to valuechangelistener

I have a litte radiobutton like this :

<h:selectOneRadio value="#{test.answer}" valueChangeListener="#{TestService.changeanswer}" immediate="true" id="answer">
 <f:selectItem  itemValue="A" itemLabel="Absolutely True"/>
 <f:selectItem  itemValue="B" itemLabel="True"/>
 <f:selectItem  itemValue="C" itemLabel="Partially True"/>
 <f:selectItem  itemValue="D" itemLabel="Not True"/>
 <f:selectItem  itemValue="E" itemLabel="Definitely Not True"/>
 <f:ajax event="change" process="answer"></f:ajax></h:selectOneRadio>

And my listener is like that :

public void changeanswer(ValueChangeEvent vcEvent) { 
System.out.println("comeon= " + vcEvent.getOldValue()); 
System.out.println("comeon= " + vcEvent.getNewValue());}

I would like to pass a parameter to the changeanswer method.For example I want to pass the questionid to the changeanswer function. I need to make some arrangements in it.

How can I do that?

Many many many thanks in advance.

Brad - the Rookie..


  • Seeing how the component values are bound, I bet that it's inside a datatable. If that is indeed the case, you can use DataModel#getRowData() to obtain the current row. Add a DataModel property to the TestService bean like follows:

    private List<Question> questions;
    private DataModel<Question> questionModel;
    public void init() {
        questions = getItSomehow();
        questionModel = new ListDataModel<Question>(questions);
    public void change(ValueChangeEvent event) {
        Question currentQuestion = questionModel.getRowData();
        // ...

    and change the view as follows:

    <h:dataTable value="#{TestService.questionModel}" var="test">

    That said, I'd suggest to use more sensible variable names than TestService, test and change(), like Questionaire, question and changeAnswer() respectively. This makes the code more self-documenting.