Here is the code
I can´t get the limit counter to increment for each time I can get it to count to 1 between each outputline, but that´s it Any idea why? I want it to be able to count every "overshoot"
class Actuator
private int limit_count = 0;
public int Inc_Limit_counter(int temp,int co2_conc,int rel_humid)
if(temp > 70 || co2_conc > 450 || rel_humid > 77)
//Console.WriteLine("test {0}",limit_count);
return limit_count;
public int Get_limit_count()
return limit_count;
class Program
static int read_random_values()
Random r = new Random();
int temp, co2_conc, rel_humid, i;
Console.WriteLine("Temperature in celcius:");
for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
temp = r.Next(-50,50);
co2_conc = r.Next(300,600);
rel_humid = r.Next(0,100);
Console.WriteLine("The temperature is: {0}, Co2 concentration is: {1} and Relative Humidity is: {2}",temp,co2_conc,rel_humid);
Actuator Counter1 = new Actuator();
Counter1.Inc_Limit_counter(temp, co2_conc, rel_humid);
return 0;
static void Main()
Actuator object1 = new Actuator();
The Problem is that you are creating a new instance of the Actuator class each time you call the Inc Method. So your counter will be increased one time and then the object is not used any more. I think you are missing the static Keywords for the counter and the two Methods of the Actuator class.