I am playing with calling a sub() but keep getting "User-defined type not defined" error. Unable to figure out after trying different ways of declaring variables as array. Would appreciate any guidance on this:
Public Type Whatever
ppp As String
qqq As Long
rrr As Single
End Type
Sub isthisworking()
Dim thisis() As Whatever
Dim i As Long
Dim athing As Long
For i = 0 To 5
With thisis(i)
.ppp = i & "p"
.qqq = i * 2
.rrr = i ^ 3
End With
athing = 20
beingcalled thisis(), athing
End Sub
Public Sub beingcalled(ByRef thisis() As Whatever, athing As Long)
Dim cycles As Long
cycles = UBound(thisis)
For i = 0 To cycles - 1
With thisis(i)
Debug.Print i & ": " & .ppp & "," & .qqq & "," & .rrr
End With
End Sub
Your For i = 0 To 5
is missing the closing Next i
You need to Redim
the size of your thisis()
ReDim thisis(o To 5)
the whole "isthisworking" Sub:
Sub isthisworking()
Dim thisis() As Whatever
Dim i As Long
Dim athing As Long
ReDim thisis(o To 5)
For i = 0 To 5
With thisis(i)
.ppp = i & "p"
.qqq = i * 2
.rrr = i ^ 3
End With
Next i
athing = 20
beingcalled thisis(), athing
' you can pass also thisis (without the brackets) gives the same result
End Sub