I need to enumerate all the ways of partitioning a given number n into a sum of one or more distinct primes, a + b + ... + m in Prolog
For example:
Given an integer n, the program should write the appropriate sums to standard output. If n = 20, for example, the program might print
2 + 5 + 13
2 + 7 + 11
3 + 17
7 + 13
n can be any number, and there is no restriction on run-time.
Here is what I have:
partition(N, _, []) :- N = 0.
partition(N, [], _) :- fail.
partition(N, [IH|IT], [OH|OT]) :-
N =< 0, fail;
N >= IH, M is N-IH, OH = IH,
partition(M, [IH|IT], OT).
partition(N, [_|IT], Output) :-
N =< 0, fail;
partition(N, IT, Output).
partition(N, Output) :-
partition(N, L, Output).
generatePrime(1, []) :- !.
generatePrime(N, X) :-
not(isPrime(N)), !,
Z is N-1,
generatePrime(N, [N | X]) :-
Z is N-1,
isPrime(P) :-
P > 2,
isDivisible(P, P-1).
isDivisible(P,X) :-
X > 1,
P mod X =\= 0,
isDivisible(P, X-1).
isDivisible(_, X) :-
1 is X.
Currently, I try running something like this:
[?- partition(5, X).
and I get duplicate prompts of [5] and [3,2]. There is also another type of problem when I use bigger numbers like n = 20, as I get prompts with duplicate primes like [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2].
I am very new to prolog, and I am sure there might even be an easier way of doing this problem, but I'm not sure where I am tripping up in the code.
Your not so far...
The bigger problem is the way your'r calling partition/3
partition(5, generatePrime(5,Y), X)
expect a list for the second term, not generatePrime(5, Y)
I suggest you to add a partition/2
made as follows
partition(N, Output) :-
generatePrime(N, L),
partition(N, L, Output).
and call this version of partition
partition(5, X)
There is something else wrong because this call return more time the same response (return, in X
, [5]
four times and [3,2]
two times).
I'll give a look at it to see if I see the problem
--- EDIT ---
Sorry but I have big problems understandign Prolog code with cuts (!
), fail
and or (;
It's a problem of mine, I suppose.
I've modified your partition/3
in the following way
partition(0, _, []).
partition(N, [H | It], [H | Ot]) :-
N >= H,
M is N-H,
partition(M, [H | It], Ot).
partition(N, [_ | It], O) :-
N > 0,
partition(N, It, O).
This should avoid repetitions of lists
If you want avoid duplicate primes in the same list (if you don't accept [3, 3, 2]
or [2, 2, 2, 2]
for 8 because a prime repeated), you should avoid to reuse H
in your original code) in the following call to partition/3
I mean that the following clause
partition(N, [H | It], [H | Ot]) :-
N >= H,
M is N-H,
partition(M, [H | It], Ot).
should become
partition(N, [H | It], [H | Ot]) :-
N >= H,
M is N-H,
partition(M, It, Ot).