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how does reduce or inject work in this code

Found this on code wars as one of the solutions. Can someone explain to me how "args.reduce(self)" works in this code; the block after makes sense.

config = { :files => { :mode => 0x777 }, :name => "config" }

class Hash
  def get_value( default, *args )
    args.empty? ? default : args.reduce(self) { |acum, key| acum.fetch(key) } rescue default

config.get_value("", :files,:mode)


  • Suppose we execute

    { :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }.get_value(4, :a, :b, :c)

    so that within the method

    default #=> 4
    args    #=> [:a, :b, :c]
    self    #=> { :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }

    We then execute the following1:

    args.empty? ? default : args.reduce(self) { |acum, key| acum.fetch(key) } rescue default
      #=> [:a, :b, :c].empty? ? 4 : [:a, :b, :c].reduce({ :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }) { |acum, key|
      #     acum.fetch(key) } rescue 4
      #=> 3

    If args #=> [:a, :b], we execute the following:

    [:a, :b].empty? ? 4 : [:a, :b].reduce({ :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }) { |acum, key|
      acum.fetch(key) } rescue 4
      #=> {:c=>3}

    If args #=> [:a, :b, :cat], then a KeyError exception is raised and the inline rescue returns the value of default:

    [:a, :b, :cat].empty? ? 4 : [:a, :b, :cat].reduce({ :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }) { |acum, key|
      acum.fetch(key) } rescue 4
      #=> 4

    and if args #=> [], [].empty? is true, so the value of default is again returned:

    [].empty? ? 4 : [].reduce({ :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }) { |acum, key|
      acum.fetch(key) } rescue 4
      #=> 4

    Fortunately, we no longer have to deal with such nonsense as we were given Hash#dig in Ruby 2.3.0, allowing us to write the following.

    class Hash
      def get_value( default, *keys )
        keys.empty? ? default : dig(*keys) || default
    { :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }.get_value(4, :a, :b, :c)
      #=> 3
    { :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }.get_value(4, :a, :b)
      #=> {:c=>3} 
    { :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }.get_value(4, :a, :b, :cat)
      #=> 4 
    { :a=>{:b=>{:c=>3 } } }.get_value(4)
      #=> 4  

    Note that the default receiver of dig is self.

    1 Note that instead of ...args.reduce(self) { |acum, key| acum.fetch(key) } rescue default the author of that code could have written ...args.reduce(self) { |acum, key| acum.fetch(key, default) }. See Hash#fetch.