I'm trying to build a Docker image, and are following the basic tutorial on Dockers own page. My Dockerfile looks like
FROM docker/whalesay:latest
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y fortunes
CMD /usr/games/fortune -a | cowsay
That is exact the same as Docker provide. I'm running linux mint 18, and Docker is installed. I'm able to run images, like hello-world or others that I've build earlier and pushed to docker hub. (Used windows when i created them)
If I try to create images that I've created earlier, the same thing happens. It always crashes when RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install.
Do anyone know how to solve this problem?
As per the image it fails to resolve "archive.ubuntu.com" do the following as per references.
Ref: Docker build "Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com'" apt-get fails to install anything
Actual Ref: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/docker-on-ubuntu-14-04-could-not-resolve-archive-ubuntu-com