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How to avoid warning CS0649 while using FileHelpers Module

I am using the FileHelpers nuget to read the files. It works as excepted but it throws me a warning when I tried to debug in Visual Studio.

How to get rid of warning CS0649: Field 'Orders.Freight' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null ?

 class Orders : INotifyRead
    public string Freight;
    public void BeforeRead(BeforeReadEventArgs e)
        if (e.RecordLine.StartsWith("Machine"))
            // ||
            // e.RecordLine.StartsWith("-"))
            e.SkipThisRecord = true;
    public void AfterRead(AfterReadEventArgs e)
        //  we want to drop all records with no freight
        if (Freight == "_raw")
            e.SkipThisRecord = true;


  • No, do not explicitly assign a default value to Freight.

    The warning is legitimate, because you never really assign a value to the field.

    You do not assign a value, because the field gets populated by magic. (Incidentally, that's why I do not like magic; but that's a different story altogether.)

    So, the best approach is to acknowledge the fact that the warning is legitimate but accounted for, and to explicitly suppress it.

    So, take a look at the documentation of the #pragma warn directive: