I have been wondering how your model define using sugar ORM can de notified of data set changed such as with android Content Providers. I have a situation where i updated a model record in one activity and move to the previous activity, but the data is not reloaded when i move to the previous activity. Don't know how the model can be aware that the data has change(updated) and automatically reload it self.
What you are actually talking about is a SyncAdapter implementation on an ORM like SugarOrm which to my knowledge am not sure if sugar has such an implementation. You will have to do a custom implementation to achieve such a functionality. Here's a few approaches that may work for you.
public class MyModel extends SugarRecord implements Serializable{
int m_id;
String m_name;
public MyModel(){}
public void setter(...){...}
public Object getter(){...}
Activity 1 inside onCreate(...)
BroadcastReceiver dataBroadcast = new BroadcastReceiver{
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent){
//retrieve the data model here from the intent or setdata for your adapter by loading all the data from the database
MyModel model = intent.getSerializableExtra("MYDATA");
registerBroadCast(dataBroadcast, new IntentFilter("DATA_CHANGED"));
inside on Destroy() unregisterReceiver(dataBroadcast);
Activity 2 inside your update/create model method for example
void createMyModel(){
MyModel m = new MyModel();
long saveId = m.save();
if(saveId > 0){
//fire the broadcast which activity 1 will receive and process accrodingly
Intent mIntent = new Intent("DATA_CHANGED");
mIntent.putSerializable("MYDATA", m);