How can I preg match a string, but tolerate a variable levensthein distance in the pattern?
$string = 'i eat apples and oranges all day long';
$find = 'and orangis';
$distance = 1;
$matches = pregMatch_withLevensthein($find, $distance, $string);
This would return 'and oranges';
By converting the search string into a regexp, we can match the pattern. Then we search using that regexp and do a comparison with levenshtein. If it matches the bounds we can return the values.
$string = 'i eat apples and oranges all day long';
$find = 'and orangis';
$distance = 1;
$matches = preg_match_levensthein($find, $distance, $string);
function preg_match_levensthein($find, $distance, $string)
$found = array();
// Covert find into regex
$parts = explode(' ', $find);
$regexes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$regexes[] = '[a-z0-9]{' . strlen($part) . '}';
$regexp = '#' . implode('\s', $regexes) . '#i';
// Find all matches
preg_match_all($regexp, $string, $matches);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
// Check levenshtein distance and add to the found if within bounds
if (levenshtein($match[0], $find) <= $distance) {
$found[] = $match[0];
// return found
return $found;