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itunesConnect, Select an iOS version to test is not the latest version

My connection was dropped while I am uploading the archive to the apps store.. and it showed Uploaded successfully with big green tick..

And also it goes to the app store and wait forever in the processing state. So I just uploaded it with the new build number and it's processed within less than 10 minutes.

but troubles are not over :(

then I couldn't select my latest build for test it still showed that stuck one..

What can I do for this ?

enter image description here


enter image description here


  • These are the steps which I did to got build to the testflight internal testers

    • to show Export Compliance add below line

    to info.plist

    • change version no to different one (not the build no)

    • create archive and upload it without upload bitcode enable tick

    enter image description here