I am building (in Delphi XE7) a custom control based on TGroupBox. It contains among other controls a TButtonedEdit.
constructor TMyControl.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
VAR myIcon: TIcon;
inherited Create(aOwner);
edtPath:= TButtonedEdit.Create(Self);
WITH edtPath DO
Parent := Self;
RightButton.Glyph.OnClick:= MyOwnHandler; <- Here error: "Cannot access protected symbol TEditButton.Glyph"
RightButton.OnRightButtonClick:= MyOwnHandler; <- Here error: "Undeclared identifier: 'OnRightButtonClick'"
How do I know when the user pressed the RightButton?
GetOnRightButtonClick and SetOnRightButtonClick are private. The same for RightButton.Glyph.OnClick.
There's no reason to access RightButton
or anything beyond the control itself. Just assign your event handler directly to TButtonedEdit.OnRightButtonClick
. Any events you find within the control's properties are only intended to be used internally by the control itself. These events are not published, and therefore you shouldn't try to use them.
WITH edtPath DO
Parent := Self;
OnRightButtonClick:= MyOwnHandler;