I would like to know if there is a way to do an animation like Siri when you speak. Can you tell me if you know a way to do this in C#.
Obviously there is a way to achieve this - but is it worth the effort?
What you would need: A audio input stream. An spectrum analyzer (something like what this does: http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/spectra1.html - there are more than enough signal-processing papers out there). An digestive format to display it. A new view (depending on the UI you chose) that can display this data.
The problems are multi-variant here and out of scope to discuss in detail (and your question is so broad and informative, that I am not willing to go into too much detail). Problems you will stumble upon are: Audio Input Lag, Processing Lag, Viewport-Lag and consuming the data and probably a lot of issues on rendering it fast enough with a standard MVC framework.
The fluidity of Siris UI for this is achieved through rendering the view on the GPU and having a proper audio/data filter, that smooths out spikes. That makes smooth transitions possible and doesn't look nearly as aggressive as a rapid change of an exact spectrogramm.