I am trying to find the long and lat of a city on the iphone. Say the user is searching for London, I would call some function that would retrieve the long and lat of London. I have looked on the web and found you can use a Google API but there must be an Apple function somewhere to handle this?
I have come accross the MKReverseGeocoder which takes the long and lat and tells you what city you are near. e.g.
// reverse geocode the user location
geocoder = [[[MKReverseGeocoder alloc] initWithCoordinate:mapView.userLocation.location.coordinate] autorelease];
If it can reverse the process there must be some form of MKGeocoder class?
but there must be an Apple function somewhere to handle this
Why must there be? Because there isn't.
There are a number of web services you can use (e.g. Google) or you could download a place name database such as http://www.geonames.org/ and import it into your app. It's probably best to import it into an SQL database which you can then search from your app.