Search code examples

<option> value should equal var and pull in var as html

Im trying to take the selected value and .on('change') populate another option with the option list in the var


<div class="filterContainer populated ms-Grid-col ms-u-sm8 ms-u-smPush2">
                                <div class="ms-Toggle">

                                     <label class="ms-Toggle-field dimension" for="demo-toggle-3">
                                        <span class="ms-Label displayInline ms-Label--off ms-and">AND</span>
                                        <span class="ms-Label displayInline ms-Label--on ms-or">OR</span>
enter code here

                                <div class="ms-Grid-col ms-u-sm9 ms-u-md9 ms-u-lg9  bgYellow">
                                    <div tabindex="0" class="ms-Dropdown">
                                        <i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--caretDown"></i>
enter code here

This selected option value should change/populate the last select options

                                        <select class="ms-Dropdown-select dimensionSelection" id="queryType">
                                            <option value="source" data-filter-top="source">source</option>
                                            <option value="departments" data-filter-top="department">department</option>
                                            <option value="funct" data-filter-top="function">function</option>
                                    <div tabindex="0" class="ms-Dropdown">
                                        <i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--caretDown"></i>

                                        <select class="ms-Dropdown-select" id="queryType">
                                            <option>Not Equals</option>
                                    <div tabindex="0" class="ms-Dropdown">
                                        <i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--caretDown"></i>

This select option should be updated based on the new selection from above.

                                        <select class="ms-Dropdown-select selectionBase" id="queryType">
                                            <option class="">THIS OPTOIN SHOULD CHANGE</option>

Jquery Here are teh variables

var source = '<option>Sales</option>\

    var department = '<option>Sales</option>\

    var func = '<option>Seattle</option>\
                      <option>Los Angeles</option>\
                      <option>San Francisco</option>\

    var location = '<option>Seattle</option>\
                      <option>Los Angeles</option>\
                      <option>San Francisco</option>\

    var domain = '<option>Seattle</option>\
                      <option>Los Angeles</option>\
                      <option>San Francisco</option>\

    var isinternal = '<option>Yes</option>\

$('div').on('change','select.dimensionSelection', function(e){
    alert("this is hapenin")


  • Just have an object which will hold all the variables as value of the keys and keys will be mapped with the value(markup) of the option:

    Make note of few things:

    • Do not conflict with global variables and gobal properties of window object, in your example, variable location was making webpage to redirect as window.locatoin will redirect the webpage.
    • Use .change() method to invoke the handler function initially.

    var source = '<option>Sales</option>\
    var department = '<option>Sales</option>\
    var func = '<option>Seattle</option>\
                          <option>Los Angeles</option>\
                          <option>San Francisco</option>\
    var locationElem = '<option>Seattle</option>\
                          <option>Los Angeles</option>\
                          <option>San Francisco</option>\
    var domainName = '<option>Seattle</option>\
                          <option>Los Angeles</option>\
                          <option>San Francisco</option>\
    var isinternal = '<option>Yes</option>\
    var obj = {
      source: source,
      department: department,
      func: func,
      location: locationElem,
      domain: domainName,
      isinternal: isinternal
    $('select.dimensionSelection').on('change', function() {
      if (this.value) {
    <script src=""></script>
    <select class="ms-Dropdown-select dimensionSelection" id="queryType">
      <option value="source" data-filter-top="source">source</option>
      <option value="department" data-filter-top="department">department</option>
      <option value="func" data-filter-top="function">function</option>
    <div tabindex="0" class="ms-Dropdown">
      <i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--caretDown"></i>
    <select class="ms-Dropdown-select selectionBase">
      <option class="">THIS OPTOIN SHOULD CHANGE</option>