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Scale UP SpagoBI application with Tomcat

I have SpagoBI 5.1 application running on tomcat on my server.

I would like to know how that can be Scaled UP Horizontally as well as Vertically ant at what extent.

So please guide.


  • These are paraphrased suggestions from Spago Support

    • Install DBMS in highly available mode

    • Create a single database for the SpagoBI Server metadata db

    • Setup a cluster environment for SpagoBI Servers.The cluster should have two or more nodes.Each SpagoBI Server will run a separate Tomcat, so no session data is shared.

    • Add a web server (such as Apache) as a load balancer, configuring Apache in the session affinity.That allows a user to login into a SpagoBI server and stay directed to that server in the cluster for the user's session.