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Rails app fails to deploy on elastic beanstalk

I have a Rails 4 app using ruby 2.3 that I want to deploy using AWS Ebs. I'm pointing the db connection to an existing db, I'm using the cli to initialize and create. When I get to the create part i keep getting an error message that says:

Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/ failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.

Which of course means the migration failed. When i checked the logs it says tables already exist, I did some research and found you can include settings in .ebextensions/ to specify not to run migrations or run bundle on test and dev. Here is my .ebextensions/ruby-settings.config:

option_settings: BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "test:development" RAILS_ENV: production RACK_ENV: production RAILS_SKIP_MIGRATIONS: true

However it still fails to deploy and gives the same error message. Question is, what am i doing wrong here? I've tried rewriting this config file different ways based on tutorials i found on this blog and the AWS docs page here.

Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong are helpful as i am at a loss currently.


  • I found that the answer to my problem was that i had added .ebextensions to my .gitignore. Early in the process of deployment .elasticbeanstalk had been added to ignore and I assumed the same needed to be done to .ebextensions. A minor oversight that led to a lot of frustration.

    It is worth noting that when I did have a spacing issue in my config files, the ebcli threw an error at me. I believe that what error2007s posted was valid, however other formats are acceptable. For example, here is my current format for one of my config files:

        VPCId: vpc-xxxxxxxx
        Subnets: subnet-yyyyyyy,subnet-zzzzzzzz,subnet-wwwwwww,subnet-eeeeeeeee
        SecurityGroups: sg-00000000


    I would also recommend using .ebextensions to set your environment variables, as I did:

        RAILS_ENV: production