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How to remove unwanted projects from STS Boot Dashboard

I'm using Eclipse STS 3.8.1

Is there anyway to remove apps from the Boot Dashboard?

Reason for asking (Similar to my real world application/s):
I have multiple Spring Boot applications, some of which use a shared library. In this library I have some common configuration: Eg: Setup RestTemplate/s with Ribbon (@LoadBalancer)...

On order to have access to the @Configuration and @Bean annotations I include the below dependancy into my libraries pom:


The problem is now my library is displayed in the Boot Dashboard with my applications even though it is not a Boot Application.

This is rather annoying as it clutters the dashboard, how can I remove this?

Just to expand on my above example:
I'm using a multi-module maven project with multiple applications and libs under the same parent.


  • Go to the Preferences -> Spring -> Boot and configure the projects to be excluded from the boot dashboard by default. Just put the name of the project in that text field.