I have a table called Vaccines. For each vaccine theres a certain number of batches and a certain number of Pathologies so I have created one table for the batches (VacLots) and one table for the Pathologies (VacPathologies).
Both the VacLots and VacPathologies are indexed using the Vaccine identifier.
To create a Vaccine I then do a query to retrieve all the Vaccines (for a specific country) and for each identifier I need to perform two extra queries: one to identify its batches and another one to identify its pathologies.
The code: This is the function used to execute a query with the specified arguments.
executeQueryWithParams(queryToExecute, queryArgs, processRow) {
this.pool.getConnection((err, conn) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`${err} executing the query ${queryToExecute} for database ${this.pool}`);
cb({reason: 'Failed to get connection', err});
} else {
let query = conn.query(queryToExecute, queryArgs, (error, rows) => {
if (error) {
cb({reason: `Failed to execute query ${queryToExecute}`, error});
} else {
cb(null , rows);
This is the function which receives the country id and is responsible for creating Vaccine objects.
getVaccinesForCountryID = function (countryID) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
database.executeQueryWithParams(queries[GET_VACCINE_QUERY_INDEX], [countryID], function(err, rows) {
if (err || rows.length == 0) {
reject(utils.isNullOrUndefined(err) ? new Error('Empty results') : err);
} else {
The process results function.
function processResultRows(rows) {
const promiseArray = [];
for (const row of rows) {
const vaccine = instantiateVaccine(row);
return Promise.all(promiseArray);
The instantiateVaccine function does nothing but create a Vaccine object with some of the information already available in the row.
function hydrateVaccine(vaccine) {
return getLotsForVaccine(vaccine).then(data => getPathologiesForVaccine(data));
Retrieves the lots for a specific vaccine.
function getLotsForVaccine(vaccine) {
return getDetailsVaccine(GET_VACCINE_LOTS_QUERY_INDEX, vaccine, (vac, rows) => {
const lotsArray = [];
for (const row of rows) {
lotsArray.push({lot: row.lot});
vac.lots = lotsArray;
Retrieves the pathologies for a specific vaccine.
function getPathologiesForVaccine(vaccine) {
return getDetailsVaccine(GET_VACCINE_PATHOLOGIES_QUERY_INDEX, vaccine, (vac, rows) => {
const pathologiesArray = [];
for (const row of rows) {
pathologiesArray.push({pathology: row.pathology});
vac.pathologies = pathologiesArray;
Generic function to retrieve some details (either the lots or pathologies)
function getDetailsVaccine(queryIndex, vaccine, hydrateFunction) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
database.executeQueryWithParams(queries[queryIndex], [vaccine.identifier], (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
reject({error: err, query: queries[queryIndex], identifier: vaccine.identifier});
} else {
hydrateFunction(vaccine, rows);
This all works well if not a lot of requests are occurring but as soon as more than 10 requests occur (for instance using ab -k -c 2 -n 10) I get connection refused and the pool has a maximum number of connections of 1000.
I feel like my mix of callbacks and Promises might be a problem but I'm currently unable to implement the executeQueryWithParams function as a Promise.
EDIT: This is the code used to create the pool (referenced as this.pool in executeQueryWithParams function)
const pool = mysql.createPool({
connectionLimit : '1000',
host : 'localhost',
user : 'readOnlyUser',
password : 'hRND74SKUjuH4uLU',
database : 'Calendar',
debug : false
I'll post my own solution as indicated by @abdulbarik.
Implementing the executeQueryWithParams in the following way allows the user to use mysql pool with a Promise, this has been tested with 500 concurrent connections on a total of 100000 connections and theres no issue with the TOO_MUCH_CONNECTIONS error and can be used as a Promise if you wish to chain.
function executeQueryWithParams(queryToExecute, queryArgs) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.pool.query(queryToExecute, queryArgs, function(err, rows) {
if (err) {
reject({reason: 'Error executing query', err});
} else {