Using the PlasticSCM command line cm
tool how do I "apply" a local move detected by cm status --localmoved
By "apply" I mean "change the items status from localmoved to moved so that a subsequent cm ci -c "moved some files"
will commit the move.
Things I've tried:
cm co newfile
which complains that the file is co oldfile
which complains that the file does not add newfile
which "breaks" the move and turns it into an add and a local mv oldfile newfile
which complains that the file does not exist.Unfortunately there is not a command line option to apply a local moved, but there is a hacker option in the move
command that could help here:
cm mv src dst --nomoveondisk
This switch just move the file in the source control, but not on disk. Then your item should appear as moved. Hope it helps.
If you want to checkin that changes, you might use the documented option --applychanges
in the checkin
cm ci --all --applychanged
This option will apply local changes first, and then will checkin changes to Plastic SCM server.