I have a problem with my build configuration in VS Team Services. I try to mark my nuget packages with prerelease suffix.
I have a Utility CommandLine step defined.
Tool: dotnet
Argument: pack $(build.sourcesdirectory)/..../project.json --no-build --configuration Release --output nupkgs --version-suffix "prerelease-$(rev:.rr)"
I get the message: "'1.0.0-prerelease-$(rev:.rr)' is not a valid version string."
If I do the same with a static:
Tool: dotnet
Argument: pack $(build.sourcesdirectory)/..../project.json --no-build --configuration Release --output nupkgs --version-suffix "prerelease-123"
That works fine.
So, it seams that the special placeholder $(rev:.rr) is not replaced, but I don't know why.
Kind regards
I found out that there are different variables for the build and release tabs. I tried to use this token on a build definition, what didn't work.
I was able to achive what I want to do with a build token.
Kind regards