I have created a file 404.md using the instructions from http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.6.3/tips.html
This file contains
Title: Not Found
Status: hidden
Save_as: 404.html
Date: 2016-01-01 00:00:00
page 404
When I make pelican content, receive an error
ERROR: Unknown status 'hidden' for file blog/404.md, skipping it.
Please advise me, why you can not generate the page. Why does not know the status 'hidden' ?
Thx WalkR
OS: FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE Pelican: 3.6.3 Python: 2.7.12
Make sure you are creating a Page and not an Article. Try removing the Date:
line in your header, and then move the file to: /home/WalkR/www/www.test.local/content/pages/404.md
I have clarified this in the development version of the docs.