I am attempting to run a subprocess through Python of an executable developed by my company; let's call it prog.exe
. I can run this command just fine on from CMD; I can run it just fine through subprocess
; but if I try to pass env
to subprocess
, I get an error:
C:\Users\me> prog.exe -h
prog V1.2.2 (Build 09-07-2016.12.52)
more dummy help text...
C:\Users\me> python
Python 3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> import os
>>> subprocess.Popen("prog.exe -h").wait()
prog V1.2.2 (Build 09-07-2016.12.52)
more dummy help text...
>>> subprocess.Popen("prog.exe -h", env=os.environ).wait()
After executing that command, the following dialog opens informing me that "prog.exe
has stopped working" and "Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...":
which turns into "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.":
When I close that dialog, the subprocess exits with an error:
What is going on? I thought that os.environ
is essentially passed as env
to subprocess
if I do not specify env
. So why when I specify it does it cause my program to die?
I have tried Python 3.5 and Python 2.7 with same results.
As described in an older SO post, the os.environ
keys are stored/accessed in a case insensitive manner. nt.environ
preserves the case of the environment variables as passed into the Python process.
In this case, prog.exe
is evidently accessing environment variables in a case sensitive manner, thus it requires the original mixed-case environment to be passed in.
Using nt.environ
rather than os.environ
resolves the issue:
>>> import nt
>>> subprocess.Popen("prog.exe -h", env=nt.environ).wait()
prog V1.2.2 (Build 09-07-2016.12.52)
more dummy help text...