I want to generate a new SSH Key for my SoftLayer account.
I found an example of how to upload a generated key. https://developer.ibm.com/marketplace/docs/technical-scenarios/obtain-virtual-server-ibm-cloud/
But what I want is to generate a key, so I tried to call the following REST but I'm not able to make it work
Http Method: [POST]
API: rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key.json
{ "parameters": [
"label": "new-ssh-key"
"error": "Key is required."
"code": "SoftLayer_Exception_Public"
Also, I checked the methods of SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key but it doesn't have any method to generate a key.
Do you know if it is even possible to generate a SSH Key by calling the SoftLayer API ?
Thank you
It's not possible to generate a Ssh Key through API. The API just creates a record, that will attach a ssh key to your account (So, in this case you need the Ssh Key already generated)
The API will do the same like this: https://control.softlayer.com/devices/sshkeys