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Any examples / scenarios where negative zero in JavaScript make a big difference?

I know that JavaScript has both a normal zero 0 (known as a positive zero +0) and a negative zero -0, however I have never come across a situation where I had to use -0.

There are some existing posts on stack overflow about how positive and negative zeros are similar/different, but none of them explain real life use-cases/examples of it.


  • Assume we're studying the function y = 1/x and we'd like to know how it behaves when x is small. Let's take x=1, x=0.1, x=0.01 and calculate the func:

    x = 1;
    while(x) {
        x /= 10;
        document.write(x + ' ' + 1/x + '<br>');

    As you can see, it approaches towards positive infinity. 1/x is equal to Infinity because at some point x gets so small that it's indistinguishable from 0, and 1/0 = Infinity. Note that this is the "positive" Infinity, that is, "a very big number".

    Now, let's start with -1 instead of x=1:

    x = -1;
    while(x) {
        x /= 10;
        document.write(x + ' ' + 1/x + '<br>');

    The answer is now -Infinity, that is, the function approaches towards the negative Infinity, "a very small number". Of course, this is also correct, but how did the computer get that? We just learned that 1/0 = (positive) Infinity? The secret is that the zero in the last snippet is actually negative, so x on the last iteration is -0 and not just 0, and 1/-0 gives -Infinity. Without the signed zero, the last snippet would give an incorrect result.

    Hope that explains it a bit.