Is there anyway to do the same thing as AddQueryOptions but when doing a POST through a OData web service? For exemple:
var first = ctx.JobGLJournal.AddQueryOptions("tenant", "fr").First();
The POST url also need this "tenant" but I can't find any way to add it when doing a SaveChanges. if I ommit it, it will throw a server credential error. Also it doesn't work to initialize the DataServiceContext with the tenant.
POST url:
sorted it out... need to add a BuildingRequest event
ctx.BuildingRequest += Ctx_BuildingRequest;
and in the Ctx_BuildingRequest, change the RequestUri
private static void Ctx_BuildingRequest(object sender,
System.Data.Services.Client.BuildingRequestEventArgs e) {
e.RequestUri = new Uri(e.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri + "?tenant=fr");