Search code examples

Generating unique identifiers as a set based query

I am moving a bunch of code over from entirely cursor based to set based and generating this has been doing my head in. We create a 6 character shortcode (unique) for each company inserted into the database and I (want) to achieve this outside of a cursor.

Example of where I am at so far:

CREATE TABLE #customers (name VARCHAR(50), shortname VARCHAR(10))
('Michael Smith', 'Michae')
,('Michael Douglas', 'Mich_1')
,('Michael Yang', 'Mich_2')

CREATE TABLE #newcustomers (name VARCHAR(50), shortname VARCHAR(10) NULL)
INSERT INTO #newcustomers (name) VALUES
('Michael Black')
,('Michael White')

SELECT * FROM #customers
SELECT * FROM #newcustomers

DECLARE @shortname VARCHAR(10)
DECLARE @iteration INT = 0

WHILE EXISTS(SELECT shortname FROM #customers WHERE shortname = @shortname)
    SELECT @shortname = LEFT(name, 6) FROM #newcustomers

    UPDATE #newcustomers SET shortname = @shortname

    SET @shortname = LEFT(@shortname, 4) + '_' + @iteration

    SET @iteration = @iteration + 1

Hopefully the example is sufficient in identifying where I am trying to get to, any suggestions or examples would be very helpful. My example does not work.


  • Try this

    Your table as mock-up

    CREATE TABLE #customers (ID INT IDENTITY, name VARCHAR(50), shortname VARCHAR(10))
    INSERT INTO #customers VALUES
    ('Michael Smith', 'Michae')
    ,('Michael Douglas', 'Mich_1')
    ,('Michael Yang', 'Mich_3')
    ,('Testman', 'Testma')
    ,('Testman1', 'Test_1');
    CREATE TABLE #newcustomers (ID INT IDENTITY,name VARCHAR(50), shortname VARCHAR(10) NULL)
    INSERT INTO #newcustomers (name) VALUES
    ('Michael Black')
    ,('Michael White')
    ,('Someone new');

    --This CTE will combine all existing names

    WITH AllNames AS
        SELECT '1_old' AS datasource,ID,name,shortname FROM #customers
        UNION ALL SELECT '2_new',ID,name,shortname FROM #newcustomers

    --This CTE will use the combined list and calculate the right "index"

    ,ShortNames AS
        SELECT c.*
              ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY A.First6 ORDER BY datasource,ID) AS NrTotal
              ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY datasource,A.First6 ORDER BY datasource,ID) AS Nr
              ,CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(shortname+'      ',6,10))=1 
                    THEN CAST(SUBSTRING(shortname+'      ',6,10) AS INT) ELSE 0 END AS ExistIndex
        FROM AllNames AS c
        CROSS APPLY(SELECT LEFT(name + '      ',6)) AS A(First6)

    --All new with NrTotal=1 get the 6 letters as is, all other get the index

    SELECT *
          ,CASE WHEN datasource='1_old' THEN shortname ELSE
            CASE WHEN datasource='2_new' AND NrTotal=1 THEN First6 
                 ELSE LEFT(First6,4) + '_' + CAST(Nr + (SELECT ISNULL(MAX(x.ExistIndex),1)
                                                          FROM ShortNames AS x 
                                                          WHERE x.First6=ShortNames.First6) AS VARCHAR(5)) 
    FROM ShortNames
    DROP TABLE #customers;
    DROP TABLE #newcustomers;

    The result

    | datasource | ID | name            | shortname | First6 | NrTotal | Nr | ExistIndex | (Kein Spaltenname) |
    | 1_old      | 1  | Michael Smith   | Michae    | Michae | 1       | 1  | 0          | Michae             |
    | 1_old      | 2  | Michael Douglas | Mich_1    | Michae | 2       | 2  | 1          | Mich_1             |
    | 1_old      | 3  | Michael Yang    | Mich_3    | Michae | 3       | 3  | 3          | Mich_3             |
    | 1_old      | 4  | Testman         | Testma    | Testma | 1       | 1  | 0          | Testma             |
    | 1_old      | 5  | Testman1        | Test_1    | Testma | 2       | 2  | 1          | Test_1             |
    | 2_new      | 1  | Michael Black   | NULL      | Michae | 4       | 1  | 0          | Mich_4             |
    | 2_new      | 2  | Michael White   | NULL      | Michae | 5       | 2  | 0          | Mich_5             |
    | 2_new      | 4  | Someone new     | NULL      | Someon | 1       | 1  | 0          | Someon             |
    | 2_new      | 3  | Testman2        | NULL      | Testma | 3       | 1  | 0          | Test_2             |