I have a embedded map entry in my DB class as follows.
Json string:
"dataStep2": "{stepno: 2,content:'', icon:'plug icon', color:'olive', header:'Uptime Guarantee',headcolor:'ffffff', tagline:'Check out our plug-in marketplace',taglinecolor:'ffffff', isActive:true}",
"dataStep3": "{stepno: 3,content:'', icon:'plug icon', color:'blue', header:'Uptime Guarantee',headcolor:'ffffff', tagline:'Check out our plug-in marketplace',taglinecolor:'ffffff', isActive:true}"
I want to update only one part oe embedded map. For a example "datastep2" values. Please Advice me to do this.
Thanks in advance.
You can use this query:
update #24:0 set embed.dataStep2="{stepno: 2,content:'', icon:'plug icon', color:'green', header:'Uptime Guarantee',headcolor:'ffffff', tagline:'Check out our plug-in marketplace',taglinecolor:'ffffff', isActive:true}"
Where #24:0
is a rid of the record that you want to update, and embed
is the property containing EMBEDDEDMAP
data with dataStep2
and dataStep3
from your example.