I'd like to print out the command line arguments used to invoke ansible-playbook
. E.g., if I do
ansible-playbook foo.yml -e bar=quux
, I'd like to have access to the above string, so that I can do as a task
- shell: slack_notify.sh "{{ ansible_cli_invocation }}"
where ansible_cli_invocation
is a string with the value "ansible-playbook foo.yml -e bar=quux"
. Is there a way to do this?
I'm not sure you can do it out of the box.
But you can write a tiny action plugin:
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
import sys
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
return { 'changed': False, 'ansible_facts': { 'argv': sys.argv } }
Save it as ./action_plugins/get_argv.py
and also make an empty file ./library/get_argv.py
This creates local action get_argv
that populates argv
fact with arguments list.
Then in your playbook:
- get_argv:
- shell: slack_notify.sh "{{ argv | join(' ') }}"