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Why am i getting a SIGABRT error from using Visual Format?

I am using a book on how to make real life apps in swift3. I recently got an error from using Visual Format. It spaced my line out because I have show line numbers and the line of code I put didn't have a line number near it. Then when I pressed Run it gave me a SIGABRT Error. Why and how can I fix this. It didn't mention any errors in the book. If you want to know what book is it, its: Paul Hudson "Hacking with Swift". Please Help!

It gave me an error of Unterminated String literal.

Here's my code:

        options: [],
        metrics: nil,
        views: viewsDictionary


  • You have not specified the metrics dictionary, yet you are trying to access labelHeight from it.

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unable to parse constraint format: 
    Encountered metric with name "labelHeight", but value was not specified in metrics or views dictionaries 

    Edit: as per rmaddy's suggestion, here's how one would fix it:

    let metrics = [
        "labelHeight": <#labelHeight#>,
        options: [],
        metrics: metrics,
        views: viewsDictionary

    1) the sample fix is broken over multiple lines merely for readability.
    2) <#labelHeight#> will be translated to a placeholder when copied to Xcode.