I'm trying to render a form's fields manually so that my designer colleagues could manipulate the input elements within the HTML instead of struggling in Python source.
ie. Instead of declaring form fields like this...
{{ form.first_name }}
.. I actually do ...
<label for="id_first_name">Your name:</label>
<input type="text" value="{{ form.first_name.somehow_get_initial_value_here }}" name="first_name" id="id_first_name" class="blabla" maxlength="30" >
{% if form.first_name.errors %}<span>*** {{ form.first_name.errors|join:", " }}</span>{% endif %}
Problem is that there seems to be no way to get the initial value of the field in the second method. {{ form.first_name }} statement does render the input element with the proper initial value but somehow there is nothing like {{ form.first_name.initial_value }} field when you want to render the form manually.
There is an interesting long standing ticket about this very issue. There is sample code to implement a template filter in the comments that should do what you need: