Just for the cake of convenience how to make R to show class's fields when you press Tab in constructor call? Let me show you what I mean - there is a class:
cEvent = setClass(
time = "POSIXct"
then when you create an instance
earthquake = cEvent(
and you press Tab to show you what the input fields can be it just shows ... =
where I would like to have time =
The reason is some of my classes have quite a number of fields and I dont want to look them up how exactly they spell every time I create an instance. Tiny thing, but a bit annoying.
Thanks for the feature request! We've generally seen code like this more often in the wild:
setClass("Class", c(...))
Class <- function(x, y, z) { new("Class", x, y, z) }
That is, package authors generally create their own 'constructors' for S4 objects, and then autocompletion from RStudio (or other R environments) generally functions as expected.
None the less, I've added this on the internal RStudio issue tracker and we'll see what we can do!