I just realized you can plot x by y using logarithmic scale, i.e, x is time, and y is logarithmic scale
How do I adjust size of Heat Map to have logarithmic scale. Here is a heat map. Size is based on number of records
Note how 1 record and 600 records have same size
Here is size legend ----- how to fix?
Before, most boxes were same size, with few exceptions
When I create calculated field to get log and convert to distrete, i.e.
I move it to size shelf.
All boxes are same size .... please advise
You could simply plot Log(Sum([Number of Records])) or Ln(Sum([Number of Records])).
To make it even easier to distinguish, you could make a discrete field by:
(or even simpler, skipping step 2 by wrapping the Log() call with a Floor() or Int() call) Be sure to set the field to be discrete in this case.
Then if you put your log_recs_bin field on the size shelf, you should get 4 or 5 discrete sizes, one for each order of magnitude.
Edited to call Sum() prior to calling Log()