I want to test my handling of a MongoWriteException using the Mongo driver, here is a sample method:
private void Update()
var find = Builders<Filter>.Filter.Eq(e => e.Id, "someId");
var update = Builders<Filter>.Update.Set(e => e.SomeValue, "AValue");
_documentStore.MongoCollection<Filter>().UpdateOne(find, update, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true }, CancellationToken.None);
catch (MongoWriteException mongoWriteException)
if (mongoWriteException.WriteError.Category != ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey)
Does anyone know how I can mock a MongoWriteException? I tried to construct it like so:
var mongoWriteException = new MongoWriteException(new ConnectionId(new ServerId(new ClusterId(1), new DnsEndPoint("d", 2)), 0), new WriteError(), // <- Protected constructor
But the WriteError class has an internal constructor
A small example based on the driver's own tests but using reflection to get to the internal constructors
static class MockMongoCollection // : IMongoCollection<TDocument>
private static readonly MongoWriteException __writeException;
static MockMongoCollection()
var connectionId = new ConnectionId(new ServerId(new ClusterId(1), new DnsEndPoint("localhost", 27017)), 2);
var innerException = new Exception("inner");
var ctor = typeof (WriteConcernError).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)[0];
var writeConcernError = (WriteConcernError)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { 1, "writeConcernError", new BsonDocument("details", "writeConcernError") });
ctor = typeof (WriteError).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)[0];
var writeError = (WriteError) ctor.Invoke(new object[] {ServerErrorCategory.Uncategorized, 1, "writeError", new BsonDocument("details", "writeError")});
__writeException = new MongoWriteException(connectionId, writeError, writeConcernError, innerException);
public static void UpdateOne()
throw __writeException;
class ExampleTests
public void UncategorizedWriteExceptionTest()
There is also a constructor using SerializationInfo which may have a similar smell.