Let's say I have a bunch of RDD's, maybe RDD[Int]
, and I have a function that defines an operation on a sequence of ints and returns an int, like a fold: f: Seq[Int] => Int
If I have a sequence of RDD's, Seq[RDD[Int]]
, how do I apply the function and return a single new RDD with the resulting value? I don't seem to find a zipPartitions
method in Spark which accomplishes this.
At some point the elements of the Seq[Int]
need to be bound to the parameters of f
. Whether this occurs beforehand by creating a collection ("materializing the lists") or by binding them one-by-one in a partial function application manner, at some point there needs to be a collection-like data structure that contains all of the elements. Certainly, once inside f
, they all need to be in the same place.
Here is a slightly more functional style implementation of Spiro's makeZip function:
def makeZip(xs: ListBuffer[RDD[Double]]): RDD[ListBuffer[Double]] = {
// initialize with arrays of length 1
val init = xs(0).map { ListBuffer(_) }
// fold in remaining by appending to mutable list
xs.drop(1).foldLeft(init) {
(rddS, rddXi) => rddS.zip(rddXi).map(sx => sx._1 += sx._2)