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Django CORS, HTTPS and WSGI setup

I am trying to setup CORS + HTTPS with mod_wsgi and Django but I can not get it to work.

CORS works properly without HTTPS/mod_wsgi but stops working when I try to add HTTPS/mod_wsgi.

For CORS, I use the Django CORS middleware (

My Django middleware_classes is the following: (see CorsMiddleware and CorsPostCsrfMiddleware)


I also add the following configuration:


I run the Django/wsgi server as follow:

python runmodwsgi --host --port 8001 --https-port 8000 --ssl-certificate-file ../utils/ssl_cert/local.crt --ssl-certificate-key-file ../utils/ssl_cert/local.key --processes 8 --server-name localhost --https-only --reload-on-changes

Successfully ran command.
Server URL         : http://localhost:8001/
Server URL (HTTPS) : https://localhost:8000/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-
Error Log File     : /tmp/mod_wsgi- (warn)
Request Capacity   : 40 (8 processes * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Startup Timeout    : 15 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 85 (event/worker), 70 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8

If I query the HTTPS server with httpie from command line, it works as expected (no CORS issues of course).

If I query the HTTPS server from my web app, I get CORS issue:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403.

In addition, the configuration generated for mod_wsgi server doesn't seem to set the headers to allow CORS

Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-

I am new to Django and I am not sure at which level should the CORS for HTTPS be configured.

I tried to configure it in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf unsuccessfully

<VirtualHost *>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Best, Nicolas


  • Setting /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf does nothing for mod_wsgi-express. They are completely separate, with mod_wsgi-express ignoring any system Apache installation configuration files.

    If you need to add that extra Apache httpd configuration directive when using mod_wsgi-express, add it to a file called extra.conf as just:

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

    and then run mod_wsgi-express as:

    python runmodwsgi --host --port 8001 --https-port 8000 --ssl-certificate-file ../utils/ssl_cert/local.crt --ssl-certificate-key-file ../utils/ssl_cert/local.key --processes 8 --server-name localhost --https-only --reload-on-changes --include-file extra.conf