The code below is placed in the ThisDocument word object in a .dotm template file. When the file is opened directly, the event below fires as intended, each time a content control in the active document is exited. However, when the template is placed in the Startup folder and opens automatically, the event does not fire.
Any ideas as to how this should be modified to work as intended from the Startup folder?
Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnExit(ByVal ContentControl As _
ContentControl, Cancel As Boolean)
MsgBox ("Fired")
End Sub
I have already faced this issue in the past as well.
You won't get it to work like that, it will only fire the event for the ContentControlOnExit
event on your loaded "*.dotm"-file itself.
To react to changes occuring outside of your macro-document, you have to use a rather complicated construct, which I will briefly explain to you.
You have to create a Class clsDocument
in which you have a variable Public WithEvents p_Document as Word.Document
. Inside of your class, you then listen to the Event ContentControlOnExit
of your p_Document
and put your code in there (in your case MsgBox ("Fired")
Next, you have to listen to the general events "AutoExec" and "AutoOpen" as well as the "Application_DocumentChange". In all of those events you basically just set the global variable p_Document
to the value of either the document passed to the event or (if there is no document passed to the eventhandler) the active document.
Since all of those event-reactions do more or less the same thing, create a new procedure in a module of your macro like that:
Public g_clsWordDocument As clsDocument
Public Sub SetUpDocumentEvents(Optional ByRef a_Document As Word.Document = Nothing)
If Application.Documents.Count > 0 Then
If a_Document Is Nothing Then Set a_Document = ActiveDocument
Set g_clsDocument = New clsDocument
Set g_clsDocument.p_Document = a_Document
End If
End Sub
Then, create the following procedures in your ThisDocument
of your macro-file.
Option Explicit
Private g_clsWordApplication As clsApplication
Public Sub AutoExec()
Set g_clsWordApplication = New clsApplication
Set g_clsWordApplication.WordApplication = Word.Application
Call modYourModule.SetUpDocumentEvents
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
Call modYourModule.SetUpDocumentEvents
End Sub
Private Sub Document_Open()
Call modYourModule.SetUpDocumentEvents
End Sub
Public Sub AutoOpen()
Call modYourModule.SetUpDocumentEvents
End Sub
Like that, you can catch the document events. As you see in the AutoExec
function, it is the same for the application object, just create a new clsAplication
that with an WithEvents WordApplication as Word.Application
and you can react to the events. All of this code goes into your dotm-file, so the global template file.
In this way, you can react to the event that you wanted to. Although I haven't found another way to solve this problem, I am still not satisfied with how it has to be implemented. If there is another option to solve your problem, I strongly suggest to try and do it another way.