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Solving equality / inequality in goal, coq code

How can I prove that these two statements are equal:

  1. Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c) = Vint ?3434 /\ ?3434 <> d

  2. Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c) <> d

The concept is pretty simple but stuck in finding the right tactic to solve it. This is actually the Lemma I'm going to prove:

Require Import compcert.common.Values.
Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.

Lemma val_remains_int:
forall (a : val) (b c d: int),
(Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c)) <> (Vint d) ->
(exists (e : int), (Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c)) = (Vint e) /\ e <> d).




  • If you can construct a value of type int (i0 in the example below), then this lemma does not hold:

    Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib.
    Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.
    Require Import compcert.common.Values.
    Variable i0 : int.
    Fact counter_example_to_val_remains_int:
      ~ forall (a : val) (b c d: int),
          (Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c)) <> (Vint d) ->
          (exists (e : int),
              (Val.shru (Val.and a (Vint b)) (Vint c)) = (Vint e)
            /\ e <> d).
      intro H.
      assert (Vundef <> Vint i0) as H0 by easy.
      specialize (H Vundef i0 i0 i0 H0); clear H0.
      simpl in H.
      destruct H as (? & contra & _).
      discriminate contra.

    There are at least two reasons:

    • Val.and and Val.shru return Vundef for all arguments that are not Vint (it's an instance of the GIGO principle);
    • also you can't shift bits too far in C -- the result is undefined (this one is about Val.shru).

    As for the modified lemma you mentioned in your comment, simple reflexivity would do:

    Lemma val_remains_int: forall a b c d: int,
        Vint (Int.shru (Int.and a b) c) <> Vint d ->
        exists (e : int), Vint (Int.shru (Int.and a b) c) = Vint e /\ e <> d.
      intros a b c d Hneq.
      eexists. split.
      - reflexivity.
      - intro Heq. subst. auto.