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CollectionView reloadData in moveItemAtIndexPath resulting duplicate image sometimes

  • In my app currently we need reordering images in collectionView and the first image of collectionView should reflect on imageView, So here is my implementation

    //MARK: Variable declaration
     @IBOutlet var imageViewMain: UIImageView!
     @IBOutlet var collectionViewImages: UICollectionView!
     var listingImages : [UIImage] = [UIImage(named:"demo_advertisement")!, UIImage(named:"camera_black")!, UIImage(named:"twitter-bird-logo")!, UIImage(named:"money-bag")!]
     //MARK: DataSource
       func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell
        let addPhotosCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier("AddPhototsCollectionViewCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! AddPhototsCollectionViewCell
        addPhotosCell.imageView.image = listingImages[indexPath.item]
        //        if listingImages.count > 0 {
        //            imageViewMain.image = listingImages[0]
        //        }
        return addPhotosCell
      func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, moveItemAtIndexPath sourceIndexPath: NSIndexPath,toIndexPath destinationIndexPath: NSIndexPath) {
        // swap values if sorce and destination
        let src = listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row]
        let dest = listingImages[destinationIndexPath.row]
        listingImages[destinationIndexPath.row] = src
        listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row] = dest        
            }, completion: nil)

What I'm trying to achieve :

  • First element of collevtionView should display on imageViewMain
  • Reorder the collectionView images (I'm done with this using long tap gesture on ColletionView)

Issue :

If I do


in moveItemAtIndexPath while reordering images its showing me duplicate images like

enter image description here

I'm calling reloadData() because I need to set first element of collectionView to imageViewMain in cellForItemAtIndexPath.

My attempt : In case if I don't call reloadData and try to set image to imageViewMain in moveItemAtIndexPath like

    imageViewMain.image = listingImages[0]  

after below lines, it will not reflect properly on imageViewMain.(But in this case reordering of images works perfectly without any duplicate image)

    let src = listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row]
    let dest = listingImages[destinationIndexPath.row]
    listingImages[destinationIndexPath.row] = src
    listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row] = dest    

Can anyone please suggest me what is the proper way to implement this ?


  • Actually the logic which i was written in


    was wrong. Instead of

    let src = listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row]
    let dest = listingImages[destinationIndexPath.row]
    listingImages[destinationIndexPath.row] = src
    listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row] = dest  

    It should be

    let src = listingImages[sourceIndexPath.row]
    listingImages.insert(src, atIndex: destinationIndexPath.row)