I create app in my weibo dev account, got app key.
Weibo is installed on my phone. When I trying to share some text, nothing happens. In my activity only onPause()
and onResume()
mWeiboShareAPI = WeiboShareSDK.createWeiboAPI(getContext(), APP_KEY);
boolean registered = mWeiboShareAPI.registerApp();
Log.w(TAG, "registered ? -> " + registered); // returns true
WeiboMultiMessage weiboMessage = new WeiboMultiMessage();
weiboMessage.textObject = new TextObject();
weiboMessage.textObject.text = "TEST";
SendMultiMessageToWeiboRequest request = new SendMultiMessageToWeiboRequest();
request.transaction = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
request.multiMessage = weiboMessage;
boolean requesSent = mWeiboShareAPI.sendRequest(getActivity(), request);
Log.w(TAG, "request sent ? -> " + requesSent); // returns true
In manifest I defined weibo activity and some stuff from example (https://github.com/sinaweibosdk/weibo_android_sdk).
<activity android:name="com.sina.weibo.sdk.component.WeiboSdkBrowser"
android:exported="false" >
<service android:name="com.sina.weibo.sdk.net.DownloadService"
android:value="2xxxxxx832" />
android:value="weibo" />
What did I missed, any suggestions? How can I understand what's the problem? Btw DownloadService is not defined.
Rarely, after couple of seconds it is org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to / timed out
The problem was in wrong application type on weibo dev account, I recreated application, add package and md5 package hash, and now it works. But only if weibo application installed on phone. And you don't need any addition entities in manifest.